The Trilogy

“The Awakening moves quickly and is hard to put down.”

–Dan Mulligan

“A complex, layered and nuanced story… his writing sizzles on the page.”

–Mark Quail

“The book unfolds like a grand movie in the mind.”

–Robin Dutton

Book One: The Awakening

Hold on – because this book will rock you!

Join in the adventure of a lifetime by reading book one of the ‘Winner’ trilogy, The Awakening, in which our hero, disillusioned lawyer Martin Slice, discovers his destiny and a plot to destroy all of mankind. Ancient artifacts, a mysterious power source at the bottom of the world’s deepest ocean and the beginnings of a mesmerizing love affair in the wake of death and disaster set the stage for the continuation of this compelling tale in soon-to-come volumes two and three. So jump in, buckle up and hold on, because this book will rock you!

To whet your appetite for more, click here for a free read of Part One of the first book in the trilogy, The Awakening, entitled Traitor’s Warning.

[intlink id=”28″ type=”page”]Click here to buy The Awakening »[/intlink]